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Our club: Golden Sirens

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1. If you click on Club you will see this.
At the top you see the club name
club fame and club level.

You can also see trophies we won with club fights
we always announce it in advance when it comes and you
are all obliged to participate.
so it is mandatory because if no one helps we will not win the most fights and can lose a trofee 
It is winning or lossing.

left from your screen you see the chat, decription and club log.
In the middle you see the club skills and right of the screen you see the club cash box en buy, but that is only for the president and the vices and also the challenge a club is only them. The Fashion show is for us all, click on it en help together every time. if it is done the club gets 50,000 dollars and 5 emeralds for the club's cash-box.
The cash box you click on the + to give your donations

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2. if you click on the Degrption you see the skill you need and the weekly donations everyone has to cooperate.
and if you click on the image you will come on our website you are now on


3. the image on you right you see members.
If you so with you mouse over you name you see how much dollars, emaralds and diamonds you have gif
you the club and also how long you are in our club.
you can also see who is online and offline and how much day the are gone.
you see onder the members club message there you can
send a comment, but most of the time the president and vices post things there.

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4. if you click on club log you can see what you have donated and who is new or kick out the club for honest reasons. also you can see what others donate to the club.
The President and vices will do every week a check on who has donated here also.

created by: Freedom angel (animal Angel)
with real love and a lot of effort
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