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Anchor 8

Your profile and past comments

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This is your profile "ugmmm" well my profile look, but you have also the same but only your own doll haha and background etc....
Here you see your rating, the club where your in and your name.
Also the fashion Arena contest and beauty pageant contest.
As you see my are Dimond but it go's on level. for the rest you will see for your self

If you click on about :
Here you see your wins with the fashion arena and with beauty pageant.
Also your skills and that is imported  also to fight in the fasion arena and also if we have a club fight with a other club.
But that is for later.....

Under your skills you can see troffee´s 
you can win that if you gif other people stars
but also that come later....
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Your feed,
here you can afther you given someone stars (voted) a nice comment.
This is still a lot of work, but you will learn that.
I'll give a little explanation and the rest is self-explanatory.
Here you see your Gallery
make some lovely photo's of your self, your animals, partner and rooms.
And if you have a party you can also save your nice memory too ;)
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Here you see your backgrounds
Here  you can see and buy and change your backgrounds and there you will also find backgrounds that you have won in an event.

Lurning to make comments

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Find a image or a gif and click right mouse and click on copy address image as you see in the red circle.
You can find image everywhere on google and Pinterest and more...
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1. Click on the icon for the comment code. you see it in the red circle.

2.You wil see the code in the type area.

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3. in-between the code you click right mouse bottom en past the image address that you have copy from google or other sites where you can find them.

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4. Do you want the comment in the center you click on this icon how you see in the red circle.
then you remove the code
[algin] only that you see in the green circle.
and type in the code
[align=center] if you want the letters in the center how I always do. or type left or right.

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5. tyle center as you see here
---> [align=center]

do you want bigger letter see in red circle, click that and remove [/size] and type in the other
code like this
[size=20] or 15 or what you want, how higher the number you type how bigger the letters


6.behind the code as you see here you write your test what you want to say. then you hold left muis button and go over the area en click right en copy. if you are at a profile from someone click right muis button and past it on there wall end send and you see your comment just like you here under this text

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7. you can also ad other this with the other codes you see. if you have questions about this more you can always ask us.

created by: Freedom angel (animal Angel)
with real love and a lot of effort
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